1. First provide an introduction to this period, what culture are we discussing,

Posted: September 11th, 2023

1. First provide an introduction to this period, what culture are we discussing, and why were they so successful in concerning lands.
2.What do you see? What are your very first observations?” (“What elements of form can we discern—line, color, material, composition, technique”) and context (“What elements of context can we discern—narrative (what is happening here?what characters are involved? compare other works in this unit (provide examples, include pictures or titles of works of art) that you know are similar or different and in what ways?, The strong central figure, the use of the bow and the hunt, hieratic scale, and the royal dominance of the “king of the beasts”—the lion—underline that visual narrative is an important memorializing aspect of this ruler’s reign and “speak his power.” why?

3.in what ways do ancient rulers or cultures use visual art? Do you notice any recurring themes, methods, or ideas from this unit?
get examples from these links and answer the questions using these too

Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

Cuneiform Tablets



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