Don’t look any further than the pictures you see in the screen below. Think abou

Posted: September 25th, 2023

Don’t look any further than the pictures you see in the screen below. Think about what you have here. The oral memory of anyone living here in long past times is confusing and often coming from enemies. It dates back to the 2rd millennium BCE or maybe earlier. Look over what you have and decide whether you judge this to be a civilization (part of an urban society). Or is it more likely just the remains of some farming village (Neolithic)
Refer to the 10 Characteristics of all civilizations as a basis for comparison in what you see. Do you see evidence of agricultural surplus, cities, class system, division of labor, government, trade, big buildings, standardized art, writing, or technology/science. Use ONLY what you see in these pictures to lay out what you think, using the pictures as evidence. You are going to have to speculate based on what you have seen in Unit 1.
1. Write an introduction that makes someone want to read your essay Most historians write for a general audience, and they want their work to intrigue or encourage reading further.
2. The body of your analysis of the artifacts (primary sources) should include your speculation based on your knowledge of other early urban areas from Unit 1. Compare what you see to anything you studied in Unit 1. If you use the information from Unit 1 be sure to cite it by date of class notes.
Make the body of the Analysis flow. Don’t just write a sentence/paragraph for each of the characteristics of civilization or each artifact. Prove to the reader that you have enough knowledge of ancient civilizations that you can make reasonable assumptions and have good insights about what you see.
3. Conclusion: Bring your analysis to a conclusion that is satisfying in that you have made judgments and have proven them as an historian would. Perhaps you can decide whether having written records (as we have in Egyptian hieroglyphics or Mesopotamian cuneiform) makes it easier to understand a group of artifacts.

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