
speculate about the cause of Erica’s amenorrhea

Erica, a 17-year-old female, is a member of her high school swim team. She visits her physician because she has missed her last two menstrual periods. Laboratory tests are negative for hCG. Question: Based on this limited information, speculate about the cause of Erica’s amenorrhea. What treatment, if any, would you recommend? Answer:

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Date: September 18th, 2023

Describe one such technology, its application(s), the benefits over existing or previous technologies, and any potential limitations of the technology

Technological enhancements have allowed for scientific analyses once only suitable for the laboratory to be completed in the field (at the crime scene). Other advances have greatly changed how crime scenes are documented. Describe one such technology, its application(s), the benefits over existing or previous technologies and any potential limitations of the technology (the technology […]

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Date: September 15th, 2023

Search for scientific articles that describe how a new gene evolved in any kind of species

Instructions: 1. Open google scholar on your browser. to an external site. 2. Search for scientific articles that describe how a new gene evolved in any kind of species (bacteria, plants, fungi, animals, etc.). Limit your search to articles published in the last five years. Some background: When creationists and evolutionary biologists debate, one […]

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Date: September 15th, 2023

Norovirus is an extremely contagious virus that can quickly spread through schools. What steps can be taken to prevent transmission?

Answer the question in your own words. Include a reference. A generic posted link ( to the website is not sufficient. Do not cut and paste answers. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in a grade of zero for the question. (references required, 300 word minimum, always use correct scientific form for genus […]

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Date: September 11th, 2023

A slide show with apa citation and foot notes Certainly, here’s a detailed outli

A slide show with apa citation and foot notes Certainly, here’s a detailed outline for a presentation on Muscular Dystrophy: **Slide 1: Title Slide** – Title: Understanding Muscular Dystrophy – Presenter’s Name and Affiliation – Date **Slide 2: Introduction to Muscular Dystrophy** – Definition of muscular dystrophy – Prevalence and impact on individuals **Slide 3: […]

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Date: September 9th, 2023