
Essentially, you will search for articles and information related to the company

Essentially, you will search for articles and information related to the company including but not limited to operational plans and actions, financial reports, marketing information and industry analysis. You will do this for three months (January, February and March). For each month, you will provide a dossier that describes what you learnt about the company […]

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Date: September 21st, 2023

As the human resources director for XYZ Corporation, develop an interview strate

As the human resources director for XYZ Corporation, develop an interview strategy to be used to find a new hire for an open executive assistant position. The organization follows strict affirmative action guidelines. A search committee of five employees has been made. 1. Create a table with appropriate title and caption that details the employee’s […]

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Date: September 20th, 2023

Review and Analysis of Current Decision Making Theory Research Paper: Students w

Review and Analysis of Current Decision Making Theory Research Paper: Students will do a review of current decision making literature. Instructions: From the KU Online library find a minimum of 10 current (2009 or later) academic scholarly peer-reviewed articles. Do not do Web searches. These articles must be found in our KU online library’s databases. […]

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Date: September 20th, 2023