
An executive summary or reflection on your educational experiences in your BA/BS program at APUS/AMU.

An executive summary or reflection on your educational experiences in your BA/BS program at APUS/AMU. Instructions Learning Objective: Reflect on key issues and topics regarding on the overall program experience. Instructions: Many potential employers and managers considering employees for promotion will ask you to reflect back on your educational accomplishments. Prepare a summary of the […]

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Date: September 15th, 2023

Step 1: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corpor

Step 1: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Support your assessment with specific evidence. Step 2: Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Support your response with specific evidence. Step 3: Assess how the vision statement and mission […]

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Date: September 14th, 2023

In this project, you will select an organization, or a segment of an organizatio

In this project, you will select an organization, or a segment of an organization, and interview key employees in order to gather information concerning the organization’s critical success factors (CSFs). Be sure to inform your interviewees that any proprietary information included in this project will be kept confidential. You will then develop a SWOT analysis […]

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Date: September 14th, 2023

Title: Navigating Cultural Differences in International Business: A Comparative

Title: Navigating Cultural Differences in International Business: A Comparative Analysis of Doing Business in South Africa and the United States. Overview Doing business in a foreign country can be fraught with pitfalls, from culturally inappropriate hugging to accidental obscene hand gestures. By researching and understanding the culture of a foreign country, you can better prepare […]

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Date: September 11th, 2023