Analyze your school’s Crisis Plan and utilize it as a springboard to prepare a comprehensive Crisis Plan which ensures that the school is safe and secure and to ensure that a crisis is managed effectively if it occurs. The plan should address communication procedures for before, during, and after a crisis. Your plan should meet […]
Submit the Case Study summary for Case Study #20 1. Submit the narrative in a PDF document, use appropriate APA components, and double space. 2. Address each piece by providing the number and then addressing the components that correspond with the number.
I havr a project (Individual case story 2-4pages), Three seperate Activities of one page each and three seperate Discussion board of 1 page each
Preschool Early Literacy Indicators (PELI) answer the questions using short answers Describe the assessment. What is the purpose of the assessment? Is the assessment a formative or summative assessment? Why? How do you conduct the assessment? What literacy skill(s) is the assessment measuring? When do you use this assessment? Extra point: include a video or […]
For this assignment, you will begin to develop your population, sample, and significance of the study sections. Remember, the population is general criteria that you will use for your study participants, while the sample is the exact subgroup you will use for your specific study. In the significance section, you should think about why and […]
See the attached group of teaching scenarios. Read the scenarios carefully. Think about what you would do in a similar situation. Respond to each case in detail. For additional requirements see the grading rubric included.
ou have had experience in Topics 1 and 2 with needs assessment and developing a small group budget. Now shift your thinking toward how to create a large group budget that is aligned to the school’s continuous improvement plan (CIP). Becoming familiar with the funding areas and how to align the budget items to the […]
Part 1 – The attached charts need to be completed on child development. Demonstrating knowledge of developmental milestones from birth to 22 years. Formulate the chart based on information attributed to developmental theorists. (Erickson, Maslow, Piaget, Freud, Kohlberg, or Gessell). The chart has specific information to be followed Part 2 – The Infographic must include […]
The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice exploring the professional literature on instructional strategies designed for students who have mild or moderate disabilities. To this end, you will locate and review one research article from a peer-reviewed journal describing an instructional strategy that is relevant to your RtI project. That is, look […]
Thesis, Outline, and Annotated Bibliography Assignment Use the template to develop your thesis statement, outline, and annotated bibliography. Your thesis statement may not refer to yourself, your paper, or your readers. Simply state the point that your paper will argue or demonstrate. Your outline must either follow points outlined by your assignment instructions from your […]