a 300-500 words essay base on these questions – Issues related to slavery were central to the outbreak of the Civil War. When the Civil War finally broke out, what was the Union’s official policy toward the Confederacy and the institution of slavery and what key events led to a reassessment of these policies? President […]
I need a 1000 word essay with a work cited page using three sources MLA style about 3 historical figures from the 1500 that I find interesting
Read chapters 9-11 of Through Women’s Eyes, paying particular attention to the Primary Sources sections on Voices of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ in chapter 9; Television’s Prescriptions for Women and ‘Is a Working Mother a Threat to the Home in chapter 10; and Feminism and the Drive for Equality in the Workplace in chapter 11. Also […]
Use evidence from the textbook, Give Me Liberty by Eric Foner, 7E Vol 2, to support your claim. Provide three examples from the textbook and explain in full sentences how these examples support your claim.
From 1800 to 1848 in the United States, Westward Expansion was a defining theme in American history. Two significant events that impacted this expansion were the Independence of Texas and the Mexican War of 1846-1848. Independence of Texas: The independence of Texas from Mexico in 1836 profoundly impacted Westward Expansion. American settlers, often called “Texians,” […]
I need an essay of at least 5 paragraphs and 1000 words, address the following prompt: what did the revolution mean to different groups of Americans? 1. 5 paragraphs and 1000 words(approximately 4 pages) 2.Formatted with 12-point, clean font such as times new Roman or Arial. 3.Double spaced text 4.1” margins all around 5.Formatted according […]
What were the most pressing domestic and foreign issues that threatened the United States between 1789 and 1840 ?
Examine the theories of origins and how the native Americans arrived in the Americas. Examination should include two of the three chapters. Chapters 5, 6, 7 from 1497. MLA format 300 word double-spaced. Please see attached file for other writing requirements.
For the outline, I expect to have submitted a one (1) page outline of your paper, with a photo included. The outline does not need to be highly developed, I just want to see that you have found an object and are starting to think about where that object places itself within the context of […]
After reading Chapter 18, “The Progressive Era, 1900-1916,” in the textbook, Give Me Liberty by Eric Foner, answer the following discussion question: “What is meant by Progressivism? Was it a movement designed to increase America’s democratic ideals, or possibly an attempt at social control by moralistic busybodies? To what extent was Progressivism an expression of […]