Explain the history of the QSEN Competencies Introductory paragraph 10 (10%) Pap

Posted: October 28th, 2023

Explain the history of the QSEN Competencies
Introductory paragraph
10 (10%)
Paper completely explains the history
8 (8%)
Paper explains the history but lacks detail
6 (6%)
Paper poorly explains the history
Define the 6 QSEN Competencies.
1 paragraph per competency.
20 (20%)
Paper completely defines the 6 QSEN Competencies
16 (16%)
Paper defines less than 6 of the QSEN Competencies
12 (12%)
Paper poorly defines the 6 QSEN Competencies
Describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) that need to be developed for each competency.
60 (40%)
Paper completely describes the KSA’s
52 (32%)
Paper describes KSA’s but lacks detail
44 (24%)
Paper poorly describes the KSA’s
Style, Format, and Grammar (Title page, Body, Reference page)
Includes intro paragraph, body of paper, and conclusion paragraph.
Double spaced
12 Point font
1 inch margins on all sides
Must be at least 3 pages
10 (10%)
Sentences are clear, effective, and coherent. Paper is nearly free of punctuation, spelling, and/or grammar errors. Paper is formatted according assignment guidelines. Paper includes reference from

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