In this project, you will identify 5 different U.S recording studios from 5 diff

Posted: September 20th, 2023

In this project, you will identify 5 different U.S recording studios from 5 different states, and research them. Then, you will assemble your information in a Word document.
For each studio, find and include the following information in your document:
Link to the studio.
Studio Layout / Arrangement: how many studios are there in the facility? Is there a Studio A and B, for example? If so, what are the differences between the rooms?
Rates: Can you find the rates on the website? If not, how do they communicate their cost?
What is their payment policy? Cancellation policy?
Gear: Is the gear list current? Is there anything in the gear list that stands out to you? Why or why not?
Staff: How many staff are employed? Do they all have biographies on the site?
Specialty: Is the studio serving a particular niche / genre, or is it open to anything, musically speaking?
Is the studio ‘audio-only’ or are there video services offered as well?
What is the overall ‘vibe’ of the studio? Would you record there? Would you intern or work there? Why or why not?
Finally, any other additional comments you would like to add (optional).

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