Posted: September 14th, 2023
n Unit 3, we focused on four APRN roles. In the discussion, you will have the opportunity to explore the issue of scope of practice which directly
impacts APRN roles. Specifically, please consider the IOM (2010) Report Brief “The Future of Nursing Focus on Scope of Practice” which
concludes with the following statement:
Now is the time to eliminate the outdated regulations and organizational and cultural barriers that limit the ability of
nurses to practice to the full extent of their education, training, and competence. The U.S. is transforming its health care
system to provide quality care leading to improved health outcomes, and nurses can and should play a significant role.
The current conflicts between what APRNs can do based on their education and training and what they may do according
to state and federal regulations must be resolved so that they are better able to provide seamless, affordable, and quality
care. Scope-of-practice regulations in all states should reflect the full extent not only of nurses but of each profession’s
education and training. Elimination of barriers for all professions with a focus on collaborative teamwork will maximize
and improve care throughout the health care system (p. 4)
Based on this conclusion statement, select one of the four APRN roles and address the following:
• Identify an existing local, state, or national barrier which continues to prevent full scope-of-practice for that role.
• Determine if there has been at least one change in local, state, or national practice, which has helped advance patient access to the
APRN role since the IOM Report (2010).
• Recommended one change that you think should occur by 2030 to further advance patient access to an APRN.
Required Reading
• Hartigan, C. (2011). APRN regulation: The licensure-certification interface. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 22(1), 50-65.
IOM/National Academy of Medicine
• Institute of Medicine. (2010). Report brief. The future of nursing focus on scope of practice.
• Institute of Medicine. (2015). Report in brief. Assessing progress on the Institute of Medicine report: The future of nursing.
• Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing leading change, advancing health: Report recommendations.
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