Topic – Genres. WATCH – Atlanta (Fx 2016-2022) Season 2, Episode 6 “Teddy Perkin

Posted: September 21st, 2023

Topic – Genres.
WATCH – Atlanta (Fx 2016-2022) Season 2, Episode 6 “Teddy Perkins”
The goal of these reaction papers is to discuss the content in relation to the topic of the week. That means it’s not just about your personal opinion of the movie in question (though feel free to offer that during our discussion), but about how you interpret the creators’ intention with regard to that week’s topic. Before writing, you should look at the Screening Checklist at the end of our chapter for the week to help you guide your discussion/reaction to the movie, or reference the topics we discussed that week and any additional readings that were assigned for the topic.
And here is a Rubric, which, along with the Screening Checklist, should help guide your writing You should not divide your paper into sections; try to integrate these elements into your reaction:
Overall Reaction (40%): What is the significance of this film/show overall? What elements of the film (narrative elements, technical elements, cultural elements) did you find the most or least interesting?
Relationship to Topic (50%): How did this movie use the specific techniques and ideas we talked about this week? What did you appreciate or dislike about how these techniques were used? Refer to the current chapter’s Screening Checklist for ideas to write about.
Format (10%): Make sure you develop a coherent essay that explains your reactions to the movie. Use proper spelling and grammar and make sure your paper is between 1-2 double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman font.

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